Peter Mandel, a German naturopath and acupuncturist developed the Colorpuncture system in collaboration with the German biophysicist, Dr. Fritz-Albert Popp. Dr. Popp showed that all living cells emit light, and that through this light, the cells communicate with each other. A breakdown or imbalance of that communication leads to illness and psychological problems.
Esogetic ColorpunctureTM is a system of light therapy based on the concepts of acupuncture, reflexology and the philosophy of the hologram. Light offers a gentle, pain-free, non-invasive therapy. Colorpuncture is available in person, by appointment only. Please set up a consultation time to determine if Colorpuncture is available.
Colorpuncture offers a well-researched method of re-establishing a healthy exchange of information among the cells of the body. It involves the placement of an illuminated tip of an acu-light instrument at selected points and/or zones on the skin. The acu-light is a small handheld instrument that emits incandescent light of different colors through changeable colored glass tips. Treatment points are derived from traditional acupuncture and other holographic grid systems such as reflexology and applied kinesiology. Mandel, in his clinical practice and research, has discovered many new points and zones that are integrated into the treatments. The process is noninvasive and extremely gentle.
Esogetic ColorpunctureTM Therapy is used to help people with:
Systemic Diseases, Acute and Chronic Pain, Chronic Illness or Conditions, Hormonal Related Conditions, PMS, Menstrual Difficulty, Menopause, Adolescence, Acute Illness or Conditions, Skin Problems, Allergies
As well as Psycho-emotional and Spiritual issues such as:
Depression & Anxiety, Internal (and External) Conflict, Helpless or negative feelings about life, Feeling blocked or not aligned with one’s path, Prenatal and Birth Trauma, Childhood Trauma, Transitions in Life, and Other Issues
Treatments are offered as single sessions, or packages of 5 or 10 sessions, which are helpful when completing series including prenatal, allergy, and transmitters.
Colorpuncture options
Hormonal, Systemic & Lymphatic Support
Body level supports to help balance and promote your system’s healthy responses to our daily stressors and life events. Helpful for PMS, menopausal symptoms, other hormonal shifts, acute and chronic illnesses, including acute and chronic pain syndromes, addictions and more. These treatments are usually scheduled as single treatments.
Allergy Clearing Series, Long Covid19 Syndromes
Successfully clear your system from allergies and sensitivities lodged in the meridian and organ systems. Generally requires a series of 5 to 6 treatments.
Specializing in treatments for acute and chronic post-viral syndromes, including SARS-COV2.
Prenatal Clearing
Help lift off energetic and cellular memory of the gestational period prior to being born. Often we absorb the emotional and physical milieu of our mother’s and parental relationship prior to birth. A powerful result of a series of prenatal clearings is opening to more of your creative potential and authentic experiences. Packages of 5 prenatal treatments are available.
Conflict Resolution Treatments
Energetic and cellular assistance in clearing both internal and external conflicts. Generally used as needed as conflicts arise. Conflict Resolution session needs become apparent during acupuncture, other colorpuncture treatment series. working through prenatal or transmitter work.
Transmitter Relays
Transmitter Relay series assists the memory and clearing, energetically and on a cellular level of all levels of trauma experienced through childhood and early adulthood. This treatment series requires a minimum of 10 sessions, and strongly recommend psychological support through psychotherapy, dreamwork, somatic therapy, or supportive services of your preference. Packages are available for 5 or 10 sessions.
Dream Work
Utilizing the Esogetic Herb Oil, a series of dream zones are stimulated to assist the clearing of the dreamscape to enhance the dreaming life, and gain greater clarity and direction through dreaming, enhancing our awakened world.